

78532 Vskp Passenger Live Running Status Train does not run from source on 27 Jul, 2024
Start Date - 27 Jul 2024 Currently Norun (Departed: )

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# Station Act Arr Delay Dep
1 Visakhapatnam - - 0
2 Marripalem Ph - - 4
3 Simhachalam - - 7
4 Simhachalam Norh - - 9
5 Pendurti - - 17
6 Kottavalasa - - 26
7 Kantakapalle - - 33
8 Alamanda - - 43
9 Korukonda - - 50
10 Vizianagaram Jn. - - 60
Last Updated: 27 Jul, 2024 @ 05:47 AM
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