12615 News
Change of terminal for Grand Trunk Express trains Railway has changed terminal of train number 12615 / 12616 Chennai Central – Delhi Sarai Rohilla – Chennai Central Grand Trunk express train. This train will now run from and to New Delhi in place of Delhi Sarai Rohilla station as per detail... |
12 May,2018
Change in Destination / Originating stations for Grand Trunk Express Railway has changed source station and destination station for Grand Trunk Express. Train number Train No.12615/12616 Chennai Central - Delhi Sarai Rohilla - Chennai Central Grand Trunk Express will now depart from New Delhi station instea... |
22 Mar,2018
Deen Dayalu coaches for Grand Trunk Express and Tamil Nadu Express To provide adequate comfort to passengers, Southern railways has replaced general coaches of Grand trunk Express and Tamil Nadu Expres with Deen Dayalu coaches. Deen Dayalu coaches offer RO water on board to provide drinking water to passengers... |
05 Mar,2017
Two trains from Chennai Central and one from Trivendrum rescheduled 12615 Chennai Central – Delhi Sarai Rohilla Grand Trunk Express is rescheduled by Southern railways to leave Chennai Central at 11:30PM in the night today. The scheduled departure time for this is 07:15PM in the evening; however due to late r... |
17 Dec,2016