06336 News
Kochuvelli - Kamakhya - Kochuvelli Special Trains for 16 services Kochuveli - Kamakhya Special Train
30 Mar,2018
Special fare train from Kochuveli to Kamakhya via Podanur, Katpadi, Perambur Kochuveli – Kamakhya special fare train Train number 06336 special fare train will run every Sunday from April 8 to May 2. This train will depart from Kochuveli at 02:00 PM and will arrive Kamakhya at 08:10 AM on Wednesday mornin... |
27 Mar,2018
06336 Kochuveli–Guwahati special fare train to run as Suvidha Special with new train number; details here Railway will run 06336 Kochuveli–Guwahati Special fare train as Suvidha Special between the two stations in May. Due to change of service this train will also be renumbered from 06336 to 82642 and will run as Suvidha Special as per details ... |
07 Apr,2017
कोचुवेली - गुवाहाटी वाया विजयवाड़ा विशेष ट्रेन अप्रैल से जून तक कोचुवेली - गुवाहाटी स्पेशल ट्रेन
04 Apr,2017
Special train from Kochuveli to Guwahati via Vijayawada from April to June Kochuveli - Guwahati Special Train
04 Apr,2017
Kochuveli to Guwahati special train in April Kochuveli – Guwahati special train with special fare
11 Mar,2017
കൊച്ചുവേളി - ഗുവാഹതി - കൊച്ചുവേളി സ്പെഷൽ ട്രെയിൻ റദ്ദാക്കി - ഫെബ്രുവരി 26 / മാർച്ച് 1 കൊച്ചുവേളി - ഗുവാഹത്തി പ്രത്യേക
23 Feb,2017
Kochuveli – Guwahati Special fare train service / number changed Kochuveli – Guwahati special
22 Feb,2017
കൊച്ചുവേളി - ഗുവാഹതി സ്പെഷൽ ട്രെയിൻ കൊച്ചുവേളി - ഗുവാഹതി സ്പെഷൽ ട്രെയിൻ
21 Feb,2017
Kochuveli – Guwahati Special fare train in March Kochuveli – Guwahati special fare train
21 Feb,2017