hello I like India train it is very good it run very smoothly on tracks, the washroom is also very good there is no smell and the locomotive engine is very strong it run very good speed and the people inside it also like the seats there is no problem in seats condition is very good the electricity in it is very good there are lot of engineer team that help with it and the light of engine is very good we can see it from far that train is coming with electric or pressure horn there are many map that display that train is moving people also update it timing in railway station there are electric board made of LED that display train schedule when it will go from one city to another city with help of station master . there is overhead line which is dangerous not to touch it it run with electric motor installed by engineer in it it has lot of research and development team that make good quality engine there are many company that build the engine with book reading and the electricity is also good that manage the whole India locomotive the security is also good that keep person safe the ticket checker also respond very good and the fees of passenger train is very low it is not high like in plane