

Check Running Status

Check Running Status

78053 Msae Passenger Live Running Status Train does not run from source on 07 Jul, 2024
Start Date - 07 Jul 2024 Currently Norun (Departed: )

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# Station Act Arr Delay
1 Gram Masagram -
2 Gramdadpur -
3 Berugram -
4 Mathnashipur -
5 Rainagar Ph -
6 Shyamsundar Ph -
7 Gopinathpur Ph -
8 Sehara Bazar Ph -
9 Kaiyar Ph -
10 Guir Sarang Ph -
11 Bowaichandi Ph -
12 Shankrul Ph -
13 Indas Ph -
14 Kumrui Ph -
15 Betur Ph -
16 Patrasayer Ph -
17 Dhangaria Ph -
18 Dhansimla Ph -
19 Sonamukhi Ph -
20 Hamiratti Ph -
21 Brindabanpur Ph -
22 Beliator Ph -
23 Belboni Ph -
24 Nobanda Ph -
25 Biknaph -
26 Bankura -
Last Updated: 07 Jul, 2024 @ 06:08 AM

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