

Check Running Status

Check Running Status

54814 Bme Passenger Live Running Status Train does not run from source on 02 Jul, 2024
Start Date - 02 Jul 2024 Currently Norun (Departed: )

Refresh Status Table View
# Station Act Arr Delay
1 Barmer -
2 Utarlai -
3 Kavas -
4 Baniya Sanda Dhora -
5 Baytu -
6 Bhimarlai -
7 Gole -
8 Tilwara -
9 Khed Temple -
10 Balotra Jn. -
11 Janiyana -
12 Parlu -
13 Samdari -
14 Ajit -
15 Miyon Ka Bara -
16 Dundara -
17 Dudia -
18 Satlana -
19 Luni Jn. -
20 Hanwant -
21 Salawas -
22 Basni -
23 Bhagat-ki-kothi -
24 Jodhpur Jn. -
Last Updated: 02 Jul, 2024 @ 02:32 AM

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