Indian Railways News => | Topic started by railgenie on Oct 03, 2013 - 12:00:58 PM |
Title - East Central Railway to beef up security for Durga PujaPosted by : railgenie on Oct 03, 2013 - 12:00:58 PM |
PATNA: East Central Railway (ECR) is ready to provide increased security measures on running trains as well as on railway premises in view of Durga Puja and other ensuing festivals in Bihar. A decision to this effect was taken at a high level meeting of RPF and GRP officials of Bihar held last week.According to ECR, RPF deputy chief security commissioner (Deputy CSC) Birendra Kumar, RPF and GRP have jointly worked out a comprehensive plan to enhance security at all vulnerable stations during festivals. Women would be given more security cover under the plan. "Incidents like dacoity, loot, snatching, luggage lifting and drug menace are more rampant during festivals. The joint security surveillance by RPF and GRP would keep a close tab on miscreants under all five divisions of the ECR," Kumar said. |